Sunday, August 16, 2015

Star Gazing

Last night I felt like taking a trip out into the mountains to try and capture the Milky Way. Let's start with my vision. My vision is fairly terrible as I have a cataract in my left eye. This eye also has the condition known as "lazy eye". I'm under the impression I was not meant to well from the left side at all, not to mention my right eye is around 20/200 uncorrected.

Moving on, I found a nice little spot in an open field and set my gear up. I find manual focusing the best bet. So you can image me using my superhero like vision to see if I have proper focus on the tiny LCD of my Nikon 5200. About half the shots were a little off focus but became a little more dialed in towards the end of the session. Anyway, I hope you find some enjoyment from these images.

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