Sunday, June 7, 2015

So I have a fancy camera......

About a year an a half ago my wife bought me a Nikon D5200 as an early Christmas present. Since then I've attempted to try and learn the features of this camera and the general principles of photography. Let's just say that you can learn a lot from the internet but a fancy camera and a few youtube videos do not a photographer make. I'll post pictures here periodically. Let me know if you want prints (highly unlikely) or feel free to criticize. like I mentioned, I'm married, I can take the criticism.  Here is a shot from Pensacola, Florida from November of 2014 with a 35mm prime lens. I was down there to move my mother from Virginia. My mother almost killed us several times driving around Pensacola and gawking at things. I'm thankful I made it out alive and she has life insurance.

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