Saturday, December 5, 2015

Reason for the Season

Ah Christmas is finally upon us!! That wonderful time of year that let's others value relationships based upon the gifts they receive. I'd like to think that most people are beyond this but just observe any Black Friday and that will not be the case. I've never felt the need to punch another person in the face for a toaster but I guess I'm not really a festive person. Anyway here are some lights because I was bored and haven't posted in quite some time.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Visiting the Insane Asylum

Journeyed to wild and wonderful West Virginia to visit the Trans-Allegheny lunatic Asylum in Weston, WV. This place was really interesting, lots of murders and suicides took place here. I felt several cold chills moving from ward to ward. Just gotta watch out for the candy and cigarettes left our for the ghosts.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Posting Overload!!!!!!!!!

So anyone who has visited this blog before, not many people by the site stats, know that I don't usually if ever post multiple items in a day. Well this will conclude my posts for the day. Seattle was our last stop on our Pacific Northwest adventure. Seattle had an unusual period of dryness and excellent weather this summer. Then we came and it was in the 60's, rained and the wind blew around 20 mph everyday. Other than that it was great.

Driving Oregon's Coast

After having my moment of zen in Portland it was time to head for the coast. We drove from Bandon to Newport and ended up in Astoria before heading to Seattle. People were overall nice but the service industry kinda sucks. I'm all for a laid back attitude but can you at least place my order correct or at all? I know I know, I expect way to much. My wife did a little modeling for me, not by choice, let's see if anyone can tell at what point she was over modeling for me.